30 Day Challenge - January 2021

Hey Booties! Join us for our 30 Day January Challenge. For the next 30 days we are committing to celebrating our mind and bodies through dance, music, and movement! We are throwing away unrealistic resolutions and expectations and giving you 30 days of things you can actually stick to! After the 30 days, you’ll have everything you need to continue experiencing the JOY in moving your body!


1. Head to youtube.com/thefitnessmarshall

2. Find the section labeled “30 DAY JANUARY CHALLENGE:

3. Click on the playlist of the day

4. Complete all the videos on that playlist (some days might only have one video)

Download the pdf calendar here!

Note: Some content is only available to Booty Army Cadet or Elite tiers, you can find more info on how to sign up here!

Social Post of General Calendar.png

Caleb Marshall6 Comments